Choose Love! Eliminate Hate! Love is the Answer + Peace is the Way!
With each shirt purchased, at least $10 will be donated to support progressive organizations doing the great + good, world-bettering work to promote peace, social justice, human + animal right + mindful wellness on a liveable planet.
These are two of my role models in the power of love, human connection + the magical, mystical, medicinal healing capacity of music. Though Paul's son, Pauly lives with autism, blindness + mutism, he + Paul have the most beautiful relationship, spoken largely through the language of music. Together, they are the compassion, energy + devotion to caring for those in dire need, through Pauly's Project regularly taking to the streets in LA to offer aid, assistance, friendship + music to unhoused Angelenos, one heartBEAT at a time. Please consider joining me in supporting Paul, Pauly + our unhoused neighbors at www.paulysproject.org + on IG @paulysproject.
Available in black with white lettering printed on the front.